Picture yourself in a boat on a river
With tangerine trees and marmalade skies
Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly,
A girl with kaleidoscope eyes
(Lucy in the sky with diamonds,
Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 1967,
Lennon/ McCartney)
November 21, 2005
the new name..
is Orcaella brevirostris just like die Nadel, it has a link to my real name. but that's not going to make me run around stabbing people.. ..or is it?
so long and thanks for all the fish - solomon & neferetti
Hmmm ..
These oracellae nowadays. All bloggy and playing-harpischordy.
Tchah. Pshaw.
it's orcaella. ORCAella! not oracella!
(sobs with rage)
(breaks harpishchord)
(in budapesht)
You're a loblolly pine scale (oracella). Is what you are. You even sound like a loblolly.
wait wait, first 'tutul' then 'orcaella', Hungry Tide being read.
Lucky you! At least something makes you run...(even if it's with a blunt knife stalking away.)
srin, yes indeed. hungry tide. tiggers, irrawaddy river dolphins and tutuls. no loblolly pines, you'll notice.
(pointedly ignoring General der Panzertruppe Leo Freiherr Geyr von Schweppenburg)
anyone who's read HT, what's the maharashtrian equivalent of a gamcha?
oh come on, there's got to be one.
arif, you can run too. i'll hand out rusty daggers on dec 18. bangalore half marathon! 20.5k baby!
There isn't a Tamil one, at any rate. We just refer to them as gamchas! But that could be because of the parents' Bengal-Bihar connections..
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