July 04, 2009



mastishkvigyan said...

wo war das? i presume not in germany...!

Orcaella brevirostris said...

Zuid Afrika, Kapischer Town, zu bee prezise.

you notice the angled arm of the teacher, as if raised in salute? and the children also hailing the teacher?

mastishkvigyan said...

you read too much into it. its just a teacher pointing to a board. besides its missing the lil mustache...

Orcaella brevirostris said...


La Figlia Che Piange said...

Hahahahahhahahaha I'm linking to this.

Orcaella brevirostris said...

mon dieu, it's srini again!

La Figlia Che Piange said...

Its gooood to be remembered but not so good to see no updates. =)