September 13, 2010

Filled with the kind of self-loathing..

.. that you only get when
you haven't updated the ol blob in 7 months
you have eaten an entire plate of (and this is very important) cold kanda bhajji without sharing
and you have cancelled your plan to run the Kaveri Trail Marathon a week before the run because of sickness and busyness.

(returns to blobby hideout with a hideous plop)


D said...

am planning to run from your hometown to Lonavla on 23rd Oct...join if you want...
prep for 75km at the Ultra...
tips and suggestions welcome

Orcaella brevirostris said...

you interest me strangely..
(raises head from pillow and begins to show signs of life)
what's the route? i can't join, but enjoy madi.
are you running KTM?

D said...

(waves bib frantically...)
no clue on route, but i guess it has to be old bombay-pune highway since expressway may not allow pedestrians...

ran from bund garden to NDA i know even an NDA and back will give me ~40 km...

you can always suggest a route if you know one and i don't want to do loops if i can avoid it... thought lonavla may be a good idea since you get to have decent food once you end up there... so far some enthu ppl from office have offered to join as support crew...

D said...

i thought pune was lure enough...(checks watch frantically...)

Orcaella brevirostris said...

pune to lonavlachikki has a small matter of the western ghats in between..

Unless you want the elevation, there's plenty of other directions to go from Pune, though i can't guarantee good food at the end.

my porpoise in Pune is to be with family, friends and food, while moving as little as possible. 40k doesn't fit the bill.

D said...

We will ignore the small matter of W. Ghats. I am Nandi Hills trained ;) Never mind the fact that the distance is about 4 times up and down Nandi :(

Btw, is it easier to run from Pune to L'vala or the other way round? I don't know whether it is mostly uphill or downhill.

And I didn't suggest you do 40K, 10 or 20K is fine. More company is welcome (esp. when it is more than 1)...