I wonder why I abandoned the blob for so long.
It's not that I didn't have anything to say.
It's not that I didn't get 2 emails from a loyal reader asking for a daily breakfast bowl of freshly tossed harmless muesli.*
It's not that I've shifted my focus to twitter. I'm only there to check that every Indian cricket lover and his family is being wished the best in life.
Maybe blobbing was something I needed to get out of my system. I'm now a proper grown-up who works and runs a home and doesn't write about sitaphal milkshake and leechy treks. My mind is now taken up with bais, appraisals and wotnot.
Nice try.
It's actually because I'm always watching House and The Office
But I'm back, baby!
And no, it never was lupus.
*It is quite possible that he really just wanted a bowl of breakfast cereal.
> And no, it never was lupus.
Ludacriswig, which childish ailment is it this time?
still alive and kicking I see, old friend.
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